Saturday, May 5, 2012


     Most of us have been at a point in our lives when we have made a decision to get into better shape.  To lose weight.  To become healthier.  For quite some time we are moving along just fine, and then the next minute we hit that horrible, nasty no good plateau and all weight loss STOPS!  You get frustrated, you start to slip up and worst of all some of just up and quit!  It is one of those situations were when the going gets tough the tough get going, you have to gain an understanding of what your body is going through and why.  You have to accept the fact that from here on out (after reaching a plateau) that things are going to get down, right ugly.  The trick to beating it is to understand why your body hits a plateau.
     Our bodies are some of the finest tuned machines known to man, and through the process of evolution or body learns to adapt to any changes we make to it, and in the case of dieting adapts to the calories that we are taking in and perceives the consumed calories as being enough to sustain the body.  In essence the body learns to function the same on same on 2000 calories as it once did when we were taking in 3000 calories.  Our bodies also become better able to perform the exercises (workouts) that you have been performing.  Which can be a great thing if you are trying to increase strength or muscle size since the muscles grow as well as get stronger  to accommodate the weight you are lifting.  Quite simply our bodies became efficient.
      Now you're probably asking yourself how to break through these plateaus and for the novice exercisers there are numerous options:
1.      -- Reduce Calorie Intake:  This option only holds true if you did not start off to low to begin with.  A general rule of thumb in starting to lose weight is to take your bodyweight and multiply it by 10.  (this is a general rule and this is for people who have no health issues or other variables that could hinder weight loss.)
2.       --Lift Heavier Weights:  This option is a great option if you haven't already began to do so and if your body can handle it.  This option has two benefits one you will get stronger and make your muscles grow.  Muscle takes up less space than fat does and it also burns more calories per hour then fat does.  If you are worried about getting bulky, you need to drop that mindset immediately!  It takes years and years of work to build serious muscle to the point where you become big and bulky.
3.       --Change Up Your Workouts:  You body needs variation so on top of hitting heavier weights make sure to change up the exercises you are doing as well as the order, rep ranges and sets about once every  four weeks.  This not only keeps the body guessing but it keeps you from getting bored as well!
4.       --Change Up Your Cardio:  Been doing 30 minutes?  Try 35-40 minutes.  Been doing the treadmill?  Try walking/running on an incline.   Switch from the treadmill to an elliptical.

 Hitting that plateau is not the end of the world.  It is a pain in the behind but if you're prepared for it, they can be easy to break right through, and weight loss should not come to a stop!

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